Saturday 19 September 2015

Hair Update: 1 Year Growth Comparison

Hello beauties, it's been a long time since I posted a comparison picture or even a picture of my hair, apologies. The top picture was taken last week (September 2015) and the bottom picture at the same time last year (September 2014). I appreciate that the pictures are both from different angles but I hope you can see the improvement. My last relaxer was April 2012, so the top pictures shows just under 3 1/2 years of growth. I strongly encourage everyone on a hair journey or even a weight loss journey to take pictures, I didn't even notice that my hair had grown until I saw the picture from last year. The best tips I have is to listen to your hair, keep it moisturised and be consistent. 


  1. Huge difference. Your hair looks so full!!

    1. Thanks. It's quite full on top but the back is quite fine, I'm trying to thicken it with castor oil.

  2. Your hair is soooo THICK! You're definitely doing something right! Miss your face chica!

    KLP @


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