Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Newly Natural: How I've Been Styling my Hair

Hey beautiful people *waves*. I've been natural for just over 3 weeks now... not long at all but it feels great. As the McD's campaign says, I'm Lovin' It. The ease of not having to deal with scraggly ends is nothing short of refreshing. It takes me little to no time to style my hair, I'm actually surprised at how quick it is. My friends must be so tired of me, I'm consistently sending them pictures of how I've chosen to wear my hair on that particular day. I guess that's what friends are for aye... and of course that's what this blog is for. Without further ado, this is how I've been styling my hair over the past few weeks, I'm loving the versatility, let me know what you think.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

100% Natural

Hey Guys, I finally did it!!! I cut my relaxed ends off. I'm now 100% natural. I know I was going to wait but I looked in the mirror before washing my hair on Sunday and decided IT WAS TIME. I haven't had the chance to enjoy it yet because I have three deadlines next week (pray for me). Despite that, I can officially say I love it. At first I didn't feel much, I literally cut my relaxed ends off with little to no emotion. I guess it hadn't sunk it yet but when I took out my chunky plaits today to go to the library, I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but feel great!!! I set out to transition for 2 years despite the naysayers, I went through the bad hair days and the extended detangling session and I finally reached my goal *moonwalks*. I feel like a new person. I love everything about my hair, shrinkage and all, and believe me my hair shrinks a lot. 

It may sound cliché but my transition has taught me so much. I have learnt about hair care, about the importance of a balanced diet and exercise. Through the knowledge I gained, I was able to help others. I have learnt how supportive people can be both my personal friends and internet friends. I have learnt to disregard the negativity. I have learnt to be patient. Most importantly I learnt that true beauty comes from within. In life it doesn't matter what people think of you, what is important is what you think of yourself. My natural hair journey has begun, my goal is to maintain healthy hair and with the health, growth will come. 

Big thanks to all of you that supported me through my transition, I really appreciate it :). Anyone who is transitioning, don't give up, you can do it. If you haven't done so already check out my 2 years post relaxer post to see what my hair looked like before. A video will be uploaded in due course (need to edit it).

P.s. posts are going to be few and far between until the 28th May, the day of my last exam. 

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