Friday 3 January 2014

Happy New Year

Let me first start by saying Happy New Year and thanks for supporting my blog. Last year I set goals for my hair and to a greater extent I have achieved them. This year my focus will solely be hair health  and length retention. 2014 will be the year that I hope to will finish my transition to natural. I'm a few days away from being 21 months post relaxer, I'll be posting an update shortly. The next 6/7 months or so will be spent protective styling, mainly because I'm approaching the end of my degree and need to manage my time accordingly. I have decided that once my degree is over I will part with my remaining relaxed ends. Over the past year I have discovered a few tricks and tips that might help you as well.

1) Shea Butter is a blessing. I stopped sealing with oils and started sealing with 100% Shea Butter or Shea Moisture Transitioning Milk and my hair has been holding moisture better ever since.

2) Frequent shampooing is drying, no matter how gentle the shampoo claims to be. I only shampoo once every 1-2 months, co-washing in-between. To avoid buildup I cut down on products with silicones especially those that are not water soluble.

3) Deep Conditioning does not need to take the whole day. I cut my deep conditioning time down to a couple hours and did not notice a difference.

4) Apple Cider Vinegar rinses are the best. I do an ACV rinse every washday after rinsing my deep conditioner out. It is supposed to help close the cuticles which is great for those of us who air dry.

5) Preparing your hair for bed is a must. Not doing so is a recipe for disaster, knots, tangles, you name it. Even if I just put my hair in two big plaits it's better than nothing.

I hope these help you!

This year I hope to combine the curls, chords and clothes section of the blog, stay tuned. I hope that 2014 brings you all peace, happiness, prosperity and good health.

1 comment:

  1. YES to shea butter! I'd avoided shea butter like the plague because I was afraid that it would be too heavy---I was wrong and I'm so in love!

    Side note: I'd love it if you added your Best of 2013 Hits and Misses to our link up:

    KLP | SavingOurStrands


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